Manufacturing Collectivity. Exploring the Nexus of Gender, Collectivity, and the Law, International Conference, Free University Berlin, 1.-3. Jul 2020 (Keynote: Emily Grabham). !!! Cancelled as an immediate measure to prevent the spread of the corona virus.
Grundrechtstag 2015: Armut, veranstaltet von der Fachgruppe Grundrechte der Vereinigung österreichischer Richter und Richterinnen, der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Graz, dem Bundesministerium für Justiz und dem Steirischen Herbst als Kooperationspartner, Graz 1.-2. Oct 2015.
Controversies and Confrontations. Violence and Agency, International Conference, University of Vienna (Keynote: Jasbir Puar), 6.-7. Dec 2012.
Panels and Workshops
V. Springmann / P. Sußner Kollektivität intersektional gedacht, Panelists: Cengiz Barskanmaz, Sarah Elsuni, Imke Schminke, Workshop DFG Research Unit Law-Gender-Collectivity, Humboldt University Berlin 16. Mar 2020, cancelled as an immediate measure to prevent the spread of the corona virus.
LSA Theme Panel: P. Sußner / L. Hahn, Mobilizing (for) Dignity – Crossing Borders in Times of Crisis, Panelists: Tally Amir (Israel/USA), Nil Mutluer (Berlin), Dagmar Soennecken (Canada), Shalini Bhargava Ray (USA), Chair and Discutant: Thomas Spijkerboer (Netherlands/Sweden), Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association, Washington, 30. May - 2. Jun 2019.